When to Start House Training
House Training for Dogs - Dalmations
When To Start Training And Socializing Your Dalmatian Puppy
Socialization and training your Dalmatian puppy need to
start the very day of his arrival in your home. You should
not address him without calling him by his name. A short,
simple name is the easiest to teach because it catches the
puppy's attention quickly, so avoid giving him elaborate
Always address the pup by the same name, not a whole series
of pet names because the latter will only confuse your
puppy. Say his name clearly, and call him over to you when
you see him awake and wandering about.
When he comes, make a big fuss over him for being such a
good dog and give him a treat.
He will then quickly associate the sound of his name
with coming to you and a pleasant experience.
It is not too soon to start familiarizing him to the feel of
a light collar, which can start as early as several hours
after his arrival. Chances are he may hardly notice it or
he may struggle, roll over, and try to rub it off his neck
with his paws.
You can divert his attention when this happens by offering a
tasty treat, a toy, or by petting him. Before long he will
accept the strange feeling around his neck and will no
longer be aware of it.
Next step in house training your dalmation is the lead;
attach it and then immediately take the puppy outside or try
to redirect his attention with things to see and sniff. He
may struggle against the lead at first, biting at it and
trying to free himself.
Do not pull him with it at this point; just hold the end
loosely and try to follow him if he starts off in any
direction. Normally his attention will soon turn to
investigating his surroundings if he is outside or if is
taken into an unfamiliar room in your house; curiosity will
take over and he will become interested in sniffing around
the surroundings.
Just follow him with the lead slackly held until he seems to
have completely forgotten about it; and then try to get him
to follow you. Make a game out it, giving him plenty of
praise. House training you dog will become fun for both of
Do not be rough or jerk at him; just tug gently on the lead
in short quick motions, repeating his name or trying to get
him to follow your hand while holding a bite of food or a
favorite toy.
If you have an older lead-trained dog, then it should be
easier to get your Dalmatian puppy to follow along after
him. In any case, the average puppy learns quite quickly
and will soon be walking along nicely on the lead.
House Training for Dogs
When To Start Training And Socializing Your Dalmatian Puppy
Socialization and training your Dalmatian puppy need to
start the very day of his arrival in your home. You should
not address him without calling him by his name. A short,
simple name is the easiest to teach because it catches the
puppy's attention quickly, so avoid giving him elaborate
Always address the pup by the same name, not a whole series
of pet names because the latter will only confuse your
puppy. Say his name clearly, and call him over to you when
you see him awake and wandering about.
When he comes, make a big fuss over him for being such a
good dog and give him a treat.
He will then quickly associate the sound of his name
with coming to you and a pleasant experience.
It is not too soon to start familiarizing him to the feel of
a light collar, which can start as early as several hours
after his arrival. Chances are he may hardly notice it or
he may struggle, roll over, and try to rub it off his neck
with his paws.
You can divert his attention when this happens by offering a
tasty treat, a toy, or by petting him. Before long he will
accept the strange feeling around his neck and will no
longer be aware of it.
Next step in house training your dalmation is the lead;
attach it and then immediately take the puppy outside or try
to redirect his attention with things to see and sniff. He
may struggle against the lead at first, biting at it and
trying to free himself.
Do not pull him with it at this point; just hold the end
loosely and try to follow him if he starts off in any
direction. Normally his attention will soon turn to
investigating his surroundings if he is outside or if is
taken into an unfamiliar room in your house; curiosity will
take over and he will become interested in sniffing around
the surroundings.
Just follow him with the lead slackly held until he seems to
have completely forgotten about it; and then try to get him
to follow you. Make a game out it, giving him plenty of
praise. House training you dog will become fun for both of
Do not be rough or jerk at him; just tug gently on the lead
in short quick motions, repeating his name or trying to get
him to follow your hand while holding a bite of food or a
favorite toy.
If you have an older lead-trained dog, then it should be
easier to get your Dalmatian puppy to follow along after
him. In any case, the average puppy learns quite quickly
and will soon be walking along nicely on the lead.
House Training for Dogs