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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Teaching Your Dog to Lie Down

“Lie Down, Lie Down - Good Dog!”

One of the first things to teach your puppy is to lie down upon command or signal. If you can teach him to do this at an early age, life will be much easier for both of you. There will be many times during the course of the day when this simple exercise will prove its worth.

Have a nylon choke or buckle collar on your puppy and attach a short leash to it. Have your puppy Sit as you stand directly in front of him. Hold the leash short in your left hand as you give him the verbal command "Down" in a quiet but firm tone of voice. Also give him the Down signal by raising your right hand where he can see it as you pull him down with the leash. Quickly place a treat between his paws as you stroke him on the withers saying, "Down, good. Down, good." Try this three more times, giving him a treat each time and praising him in a happy tone of voice.

The fourth time you try it he will probably go down by himself. Get excited and tell him what a good boy he is, using a very exuberant tone of voice accompanied by a treat. Just be sure that your puppy looks at the palm of your hand when you give him the Down signal.

This exercise will make your puppy feel very special. Just be sure that he doesn't crawl forward but Drops straight down. Try this several times the first few days so that he will learn to Drop on either your voice or the hand signal. A week or so later try giving him the Down command a few feet from you. Then gradually increase the distance until you are about ten feet from him. You must continue to run up each time he Drops and praise him very enthusiastically and give him his treat reward.

When you have accomplished this, try training him to lie down off leash. You must continue to praise him extravagantly and give him the treat. At first it is best to train him to Down indoors. Then, when he is reliable, train him outdoors. Several months later you can teach him the Drop on Recall, but be careful not to overdo it. Puppies should be very eager and willing to do straight
recalls before they are taught the Drop on Recall.

In the beginning it will be necessary to bend over a little as you give the signal. Later when he knows the exercise, you can stand up straight and give the signal. When you pull the puppy down, you should pull the leash either straight down or slightly back away from you. If you pull the leash down toward you, the puppy will move forward. You do not want him to do this or he will crawl between your feet. He should go down exactly where he is sitting without moving forward.


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